Where Are the Roses and Sunshine?

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By Paul Hendrickson –

Although you wake up every morning hoping the day will be filled with roses and sunshine, often a few steps into the office can douse your over-enthusiastic soul with the grim reality – work cares not if you like roses or sunshine. How you handle that reality impacts the rest of your day and the days of those around you.

If you are one of those rare individuals who can keep a positive attitude no matter what the circumstance, my hat’s off to you. (Full disclosure – I’m not wearing a hat.) If, on the other hand, you find yourself wrestling with reality and losing too many rounds, here are a few tips to get you through the workday.

1. Keep things in perspective.

Whether your work is an extension of your passion or simply a way to pay the bills, it is a job. You likely had a job before this one, and here’s a secret – you will have another job after this one. That’s right. It’s true. In this modern age, people change jobs more than ever. Do not let your work overtake who you are and who you are meant to be. Do the best you can while you are there but know you can always move on if required.

2. You are the owner of your emotional destiny.

We cannot control what others say to us, but we can control how we react to them. The best way to overcome a negative person is to disarm them. Disarming them may include saying something as simple as, “I appreciate your perspective, but don’t agree with you.” Follow that with logic and facts. Others will take notice.  Eventually with some work the little things will bother you less. You will still experience emotions, but you will be in control of them.

3. Helping others will improve your mood and sense of purpose.

Make time for your coworkers. Every human has challenges, but some are better at hiding them than others. Get to know those around you and offer to help them with a problem they have at work. That positive act can help prepare them for what they encounter after the drive home or they step out of their virtual office. You never know what they face once they get there. The magical part is you will feel more fulfilled as well.

4. Remember your objective.

You are in the office for a reason. Stay on mission and keep things as upbeat as possible. Goals are important. What goals can you set for the day to help you focus your time? Try to avoid negative distractions.  Focus on achievement regardless of your vocation. Remember your reason for taking the job initially and where you hope to go. This can help you navigate the day-to-day challenges and stay on task.

5. Get inspired. Stay inspired.

What inspires you? Who inspires you? How can you channel that at work? You may not have arrived at your final career destination, but while you are there, make the most of it. A job can wear you down even if it is tied to your passion unless you can find a way to stay inspired. Look for people at work that inspire you and copy some of the positive things they do. If you cannot find someone that inspires you, be the inspiration for others.

What you do matters. It may not seem like it matters at this moment, but the accumulation of choices you make in and out of the workplace will make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you. It is not realistic to expect every day to be roses and sunshine, but with a little work and a fresh perspective you will find flowers blooming in places you never expected.